Helping men and women in their 40s and beyond achieve weight loss and feel great in their own skin with simple diet, exercise, and lifestyle strategies. As an online personal trainer, I provide solutions to put all the pieces of your fitness and health puzzle together.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis


Mineral Balancing
  • Do you often feel tired or fatigued despite getting enough sleep?

  • Have you experienced unexplained weight gain recently?

  • Do you frequently feel anxious or stressed?

  • Do you suffer from muscle cramps or spasms?

  • Do you have difficulty concentrating or experience brain fog?

Discover the Benefits of HTMA Testing

To truly understand your body’s mineral needs and imbalances, consider getting a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test. This simple, non-invasive test provides a detailed report of your mineral levels, helping you tailor your nutrition and supplementation for optimal health.

Why Get an HTMA Test?

  • Mineral Levels: It shows what minerals are present in our tissues and whether they are being absorbed into the cells.

  • Health Conditions: It highlights potential health issues you may have.

  • Gland Function: It provides insights into how well the thyroid and adrenal glands are functioning.

  • Blood Sugar: It offers details about blood sugar regulation.

  • Metabolism: It tells you about your metabolic rate.

  • Detox Ability: It shows your body’s ability to detoxify and cellular acidity.

Personalized Insights:

By analyzing the mineral composition of hair, HTMA provides insights into an individuals nutritional status, potential imbalances and even exposure to toxic elements. Human hair is composed of various elements, including calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and others. These minerals are incorporated into the hair as it grows, offering a unique window into the body's mineral metabolism.

Targeted Nutrition:

HTMA is a comprehensive assessment of an

individual's health status, guiding personalized dietary and supplementation protocols.

Enhanced Wellness:

Experience better energy, mood, and overall health. HTMA can help identify underlying factors contributing to various health conditions, including fatigue, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, and cognitive dysfunction.

Ready to Reclaim Your Energy?

As a Certified Personal Trainer and HTMA Expert Practitioner,

I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

If you feel an HTMA could benefit your health,

let’s work together to create a healthier, more vibrant you—

from the inside out, by booking your consult by clicking the link below, or if you're not quite ready and have a few questions,

book a Discovery Call instead, contact me at i[email protected].

What Your HTMA Test and Consultation Includes

  • Hair Test from our Professional Laboratory

  • A Complete Individualized Evaluation of your metabolic type, current mineral levels and ratios and their impact upon the body chemistry

  • Recommendations of specific foods and food groups, along with an explanation as to why each food group is suggested

  • Supplement recommendations based upon metabolic type, mineral patterns and specific need as seen on the Hair Tissue Mineral Test Analysis

  • A 60-75 Minute Zoom or In Person, if local, Consultation to go over test results, providing you with personal recommendations for mineral balancing.

  • A Minimum 15 page Report of Your Results and Recommendations

HTMA Test and 60 Minute Consultation & Report - $220

Safe and Gentle Way to Detox

Detox programs are all the rage, promising quick fixes and miraculous results.

But did you know that diving into a detox without ensuring your minerals are balanced can do more harm than good?

Our bodies naturally detox every day, but this process relies heavily on having the right balance of minerals.

When minerals are out of whack, it can throw our whole system off, making a detox program less effective and potentially harmful.

Think of your body like a finely tuned engine. Without the right fuel and proper maintenance, it can't run smoothly.

Minerals are the key components that keep everything in balance, ensuring that our internal detox processes work as they should.

Before you consider any detox program, take a step back and ensure your body is prepared.

Balancing your minerals is a gentle way to support your body's natural detoxification process every day, without the harsh side effects of many trendy detox plans.

  • Hydrate with Mineral-Rich Water:

    Drink plenty of filtered water and consider adding a pinch of unrefined sea salt or trace mineral drops to ensure you're getting essential minerals with your hydration.

  • Incorporate Mineral-Rich Foods:

    Include foods high in essential minerals such as leafy greens (kale, spinach), nuts and seeds (almonds, pumpkin seeds), and whole grains (quinoa, brown rice).

  • Optimize Digestive Health:

    Support your gut with probiotics and fiber-rich foods to enhance nutrient absorption and overall digestive function. Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are excellent choices.

  • Prioritize Restorative Sleep:

    Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep is crucial for the body’s natural detoxification processes and helps balance hormones and minerals.

  • Engage in Regular Physical Activity:

    Exercise helps improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, which aids in the elimination of toxins. Activities like walking, deep breathing, and light resistance training are excellent for supporting gentle detox.

  • Practice Stress Management Techniques:

    Chronic stress can deplete essential minerals. Incorporate practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness to help manage stress levels and support overall well-being.

  • Avoid Processed Foods and Sugars:

    Reduce your intake of processed foods, refined sugars, and artificial additives, which can burden the body’s detoxification system. Focus on whole, natural foods instead.

  • Support Liver Health:

    Consume foods that support liver function, such as garlic, onions, beets, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower). These foods contain compounds that aid in detoxification pathways.

  • Regular Mineral Check-Ups:

    Consider regular HTMA testing to monitor your mineral levels and adjust your diet and supplementation as needed. Personalized consultations can help tailor a plan specific to your body’s needs.

Overtraining, Muscle Soreness, DOMS

Debunking the Muscle Soreness Myth

June 12, 20245 min read

If you're not dying, you're not trying ????

The Myth of Muscle Soreness: Why Feeling the Burn Isn't Always a Win

I’ll level with you...

I’ve probably made every mistake in the book when it comes to my own training. And I don’t mind admitting it.

When I first became interested in exercise, I joined a gym and fell in love with group fitness classes. In fact, I loved them so much I decided to become a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor. I got certified to teach nearly every group fitness class you can imagine.

Between my own workouts and all the classes I taught, I was doing more than 3-4 hours of exercise daily. I really wanted to get leaner and fitter, and I figured that doing more was the best and quickest way to accomplish that.

Oddly, despite all that exercise, my body wasn’t changing as I expected it to. As a matter of fact, when I had my body composition tested at one point, my body fat way higher than I expected, and my muscle tone was still not "popping".

I was so frustrated. Why wasn’t I getting more definition? Why wasn’t I getting stronger?

Turns out I’d been subscribing to some myths that are so pervasive in the fitness world that most of us (no matter how much education we have!) think they’re true — until we learn differently.

In addition to my personal experience, as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and strength coach for over 25 years now, I’ve encountered thousands of women and men who've made these same mistakes.

If you’re working hard and struggling to get the results you want, could one of this myth be derailing your progress?

Let’s find out. In this article series, one by one, I’ll go over five common fitness myths and reveal the facts so you can finally get the results you’ve been working so hard for. Today's Myth is...

Myth 1: Muscle Soreness Equals Muscle Growth

“Ouch! I’m so sore; this must mean my muscles are growing, right?”

muscle soreness

It's a sentiment echoed in gyms around the world. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that soreness after a workout is a sure sign that we're getting stronger and more muscular. But the truth isn’t always so straightforward.

Fact: Muscle soreness doesn't always equate to muscle growth.

Sure, feeling sore after a workout can give you a sense of accomplishment, but it's not necessarily an indication that your muscles are growing. In fact, muscle soreness, technically known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), is simply a result of the microscopic damage that occurs to your muscle fibers when you push them beyond their usual limits.

Your body then repairs these micro-tears, making your muscles bigger and stronger in the process. However, while soreness can be a byproduct of muscle growth, it’s not a reliable indicator of it.

Typically, being excessively sore is indicative of one or more of these four things:

  • You did something new to you, or something you haven't done for a while, and your muscles aren’t used to working in this way.

  • More stress than previously applied to the muscle. You used more weight, did more overall volume, or spent more time under tension.

  • Prolonged eccentrics. You spent more time in the negative or "lowering" portion of an exercise, which can create more strain on your muscle fibers, leading to muscle soreness.

  • Under-recovery. If you're constantly sore, you're likely not recovering well from your workouts. This could be under-recovery due to a lack of protein to repair muscle, lack of overall calories, lack of sleep, too much stress, etc.

Some people are genetically predisposed to experiencing more soreness than others. It's not uncommon for two people to perform the same workout and have vastly different levels of soreness afterward.

If you’re always extremely sore after workouts, consider paying attention to your recovery:

Are you eating sufficient protein?

Are you sleeping enough?

Being very sore after doing new-to-you exercises is normal, but that soreness should taper once your body gets used to your program. If you’re constantly very sore, look at the other aspects in your life that may be affecting your recovery.

Experiencing excessive soreness can sometimes indicate that you're overtraining or not allowing your body enough time to recover between workouts.


It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that soreness equal a good workout, but that’s just not true. Quality workouts are about effective training, not how sore you feel the next day.

Focus on your overall fitness journey, listen to your body, and remember that recovery is just as important.

So, next time you're tempted to equate muscle soreness with progress, remember that while it's a natural part of the muscle-building process, it's not the only measure of success. Focus on consistent, challenging workouts, proper nutrition, and adequate rest, and the gains will follow.

Ready to Bust More Fitness Myths

and Get Real Results?

Join us at JAMSesh Fitness and Health for expert online fitness training and live group fitness classes that will transform the way you think about exercise. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, I am here to help you achieve your fitness goals with workouts that are effective, fun, and backed by science.

Why JAMSesh Fitness and Health?

  • Personalized Training Plans: Tailored to your unique needs and fitness level.

  • Live Group Classes: Engage with a community of like-minded individuals and stay motivated.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from a certified instructor with 25 years of experience.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Fit your workouts into your busy lifestyle.

Get Started Today!

Don't let fitness myths hold you back any longer. Sign up for a free trial class or schedule a consultation to see how JAMSesh Fitness and Health can help you achieve the results you deserve. Visit our website at and take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you!

Connect with Me:

  • Follow us on Instagram: @healthycoachja

  • Come Try for a FREE 2 Week Trial - JAMSesh Group Fitness LIVE classes at JAMSesh Band

  • Come Try a FREE 2 Week Trial with me ONE ON ONE at JAMSesh Fitbudd App

  • Join our community and start your fitness journey with JAMSesh today!

Ready to make a change? Let’s get moving! 💪

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Julie-Anne Cox

A Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach, hTMA Expert Practitioner

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