Helping men and women in their 40s and beyond achieve weight loss and feel great in their own skin with simple diet, exercise, and lifestyle strategies. As an online personal trainer, I provide solutions to put all the pieces of your fitness and health puzzle together.

Magnesium Deficiency

The Silent Missing Puzzle Piece to Weight Loss

June 26, 20244 min read

Fitness and Health

Is This YOUR Missing Puzzle Piece to Weight Loss?


Magnesium: The Silent Helper

Magnesium is a powerhouse mineral that should reside within your cells, contributing to over 300 biochemical reactions in your body. But did you know it can escape through your hair, leading to potential deficiencies? 😲

Magnesium & Insulin: The Dream Team

Magnesium plays a vital role in assisting insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Insulin acts like a key, allowing glucose (sugar) to enter your cells where it is used for energy. When your body doesn't have enough magnesium, this process doesn't work as it should. Let's break it down further:

1. Insulin's Role: Insulin is secreted by the pancreas in response to the presence of glucose in your bloodstream. It helps transport glucose into your cells, where it is converted into energy.

2. Magnesium's Assistance: Magnesium is crucial for the proper function of insulin. It helps insulin bind to its receptors on cells, facilitating the entry of glucose into the cells.

When there is a magnesium deficiency, insulin cannot function effectively, leading to a condition known as insulin resistance.

Insulin Resistance Explained

Insulin resistance occurs when your cells become less responsive to insulin's signals. This means that more insulin is required to achieve the same effect, and eventually, the pancreas can't keep up with the demand. Here’s how it impacts your body:

1. Increased Insulin Levels: The pancreas produces more insulin in an attempt to lower blood sugar levels, leading to hyperinsulinemia (excess insulin in the blood).

2. Blood Sugar Imbalance: Despite high levels of insulin, glucose remains in the bloodstream instead of entering the cells, causing elevated blood sugar levels.

3. Fat Storage: High insulin levels signal your body to store fat, particularly around the abdomen. This is because insulin promotes fat storage by converting excess glucose into fat.

Struggles with Weight Loss

When you are insulin resistant, several factors make weight loss challenging:

1. Cravings and Hunger: High insulin levels can cause frequent sugar cravings and increased hunger, making it difficult to stick to a healthy diet.

2. Fat Storage: Insulin resistance promotes fat storage rather than fat burning. Even if you reduce calorie intake, your body might still hold on to fat.

3. Low Energy Levels: Since glucose isn’t efficiently used for energy, you may feel fatigued and less inclined to engage in physical activity, which is crucial for weight loss.

Too Much Calcium, Too Little Magnesium

mineral balance

Calcium is another essential mineral, but when there's too much of it outside your bones and teeth, problems arise. Calcium aids in the release of insulin to grab glucose for energy. However, without sufficient magnesium, insulin can't function properly. This imbalance leads to excess insulin and insufficient energy, contributing to weight gain. ⚖️🍕

Magnesium to the Rescue!

So, how do you keep the balance? Ensure you have enough magnesium in your diet! This helps regulate calcium levels and enables insulin to work effectively, keeping your blood sugar steady, energy high, and cravings low. 🌟💪

Discover Your Mineral Balance

Understanding your body's mineral levels can make a significant difference. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) allows you to see your personal mineral levels and receive a tailored plan to enhance your health.

Take Action Today!

Take Action

Ready to keep your body in perfect balance? Learn more about HTMA and sign up to have your mineral levels tested. See below or visit here

By addressing magnesium deficiency, you can improve insulin sensitivity, making it easier to manage weight and enhance overall health.

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Some of My Favorites - but remember you don't want to just go GUNGHO with single "nutrients" - we need to know where YOUR BODY is at and what you really need. This is not medical advice or a diagnosis of any kind.
Magnesium - The Miracle Mineral

Click here for 20% Discount on all Thorne products. This magnesium bi-glycinate powder can be added to your water, has a great subtle berry flavor and one of my go-to magnesium supplements.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, but incorporating magnesium-rich foods like nuts, seeds, and leafy greens into your diet is a great start. Keep your engine running smoothly, and don't let stress put a wrench in your works!

ReMag Magnesium

Click here for 10% Discount on all RNAReset products ReMag Liquid Magnesium Solution is made through a proprietary 18 point process which turns magnesium chloride into a 60,000ppm concentration of stabilized picometer ions of magnesium. Designed to optimize absorption and bypass gastric upset. 99.99% pure.

Are you tired of battling stress and weight gain and the exhausting symptoms? It might not just be stress or your lack of willpower — your body could be signaling a magnesium deficiency. Discover the root cause and take control of your health today!

HTMA hair tissue mineral analysis

Get your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) done now!

Unlock vital insights into your magnesium status and start your journey to feeling better. Don't wait—take the first step to beat stress and regain your energy. Click here to schedule your HTMA and begin your path to a healthier, stress-free life!

Click here to learn more about it.

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Julie-Anne Cox

A Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach, hTMA Expert Practitioner

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